By Johnny Vedmore via NEWSPASTE Original

Stanley Pottinger played a central role in signing-off Watergate, the Kent State Massacre, and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. But as his time at the Justice Dept. came to an end, he also helped his good friend and CIA director, George H. W. Bush, in other ways. However, Bush was not Pottinger’s only connection to the world of intelligence during this period, he was also busy smuggling arms with Jeffrey Epstein himself. Welcome to the Pottinger Supremacy.

Pottinger had been the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice from 1973, eventually standing down in 1977, where he became classified as a Special Assistant to the Attorney General for a brief period later that same year. In that position, Pottinger was allowed to stay on under the Carter administration to finish his official investigation into the Watergate scandal. During the years which were to follow, Pottinger first worked as an attorney on behalf of very large companies, as well as some other rather sinister individuals, before going into banking soon after. However, during this period of Pottinger’s life, his association with a certain three letter US intelligence agency becomes unbearably obvious.

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